We offer high-quality sprinklers for open ground as well as covered areas. The sprinklers we offer can be used for watering various vegetables, herbs, ornamental plants, shrubs, berry bushes, etc.
The product range also includes so-called frost-resistant sprinklers. With the help of these sprinklers, it is possible to protect forest plants, bushes, berry bushes and vegetables from night frost. When the night frost arrives, the sprinklers spray water on the given crops. By using sprinklers, you save the crops from frequent night frosts.
Topgreen OÜ offers various sprinklers: overhead sprinklers, upright sprinklers, undertree sprinklers, frost protection sprinklers.
Antifreeze sprinkler 233 B
As accessories for sprinklers, we offer sprinkler nozzles, sprinkler legs, supports, sprinkler nests, and quick connections for the main line.
The nozzle holes of the sprinklers are available in different sizes. The diameter of the sprayed area also depends on this.
When designing the sprinkler line, we offer new technology for the construction of the main line. We use special PVC quick connections in the construction of routes. The advantage of quick connections is the quick relocation and disassembly of sprinkler lines. Sprinklers are available with different capacity, the distance of the sprinklers on the bed and in the greenhouse depends on it. According to culture and need, we will design a suitable sprinkler system for you.
In the picture Sprinkler system for night frost protection with special quick connections. The advantages of this system are fast, easy installation, leak-free and quick system relocation.